4.14.2 now available

Release notes:

4.14.2 b577

  • Clarify that solar eclipse time shown in Date & Events is not the local max eclipse time, but rather the time of greatest eclipse
  • Add link to Scheduled Notifications page from Notifications Status page
  • Make notifications status indicators consistent across summary indicator and detailed status
  • Clarify that test notification is a countdown
  • Add notifications settings status indicator to Event Countdown page - tap to view details if not green
  • Move rehearsal or live icon up on page for clarity
  • Only show distance of device from location of scheduled notifications if it exceeds 10 meters (it makes the “all system go” appear cleaner: three green checkmark icons in a row)
  • Don’t show “TPE not authorized to access device location” message if user has not yet decided whether to authorize the app or not (applies to clean installs)

4.14.2 b576

  • Improved Location Services authorization checks

Some more updates in 4.14.2 b578:

  • Save/restore notifications scheduled at and location data (important for live mode)
  • Fix Back button appearance for eclipse simulator page
  • Set eclipse simulator optical density to 5.0 for annular eclipses (for lower CPU consumption and aesthetics)
  • Add eclipse path map for ASE2024, 2 Oct
  • Add Help buttons on Event Countdown and Notifications pages
  • Fix text size overflow for smaller screens and more verbose languages (“Astronomische Dämmerung Start” !)

And more in 4.14.2 b579:

  • In Scheduled Notifications Page, changed “Cancel notifications” to “Delete all Scheduled Notifications” for consistency of language
  • Fixed: in rare circumstances, one eclipse announcement could interrupt another
  • Fixed: in the event countdown page, an active event would take precedence over a standby for the next upcoming event
  • Fixed: lunar eclipse contact times spanning local midnight would not all show up on the correct day
  • Fixed: prevent incorrect warning about Location Services being disabled on enabling track location
  • UI refinements

4.14.2 is going live in the App Store today. There’s a direct link to the Event Countdown and Notifications article now included in the app.:

Dieser Artikel ist jetzt auch auf Deutsch verfĂĽgbar:

German-speakers - please let me know of errors! It’s an automated translation with some manual polishing by me (e.g. use Mitteilung rather than Benachrichtigung, consistent with what iOS uses).

hi Stephen just got the 4.14 .3. Impressive Thanks

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