About the Photo WX category

We want to hear all about your experiences using weather forecasts and data in your photography planning!

  • What really matters weather-wise in your part of the world?
  • Which forecasts do you rely on?
  • What forecasts do you wish you had?

Let’s hear all about how we can make weather forecasts better for photographers.

Weather Underground’s radar layer WunderMap® | Interactive Weather Map and Radar | Weather Underground with it’s forecast and recent past animation options helpful. Watching the recent past animation gives you a good idea of the direction that precipitation is coming from and heading to, and it’s amount (light, heavy, etc).

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Similarly the GOES_West GOES-West - Sector view: Pacific Northwest - GeoColor - NOAA / NESDIS / STAR Band: GeoColor animation gives a nice view of what cloud types are present, including fog at night, and their motion/direction.

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