Cloud formation forecasting

I’ve been mostly using HRRR for checking our local weather in recent weeks. It seems to do a generally excellent job of forecasting the details of cloud formations. This is from 20 minutes ago:

The view is from the Diagonal Highway just south of Longmont, looking towards Boulder (i.e. SW).

Here’s the latest HRR forecast map, with arrow indicating the direction of the photo above. It’s a pretty good match!

How do the various models perform in your area?

Yesterday, the model was very close to what happened.

I ran the model in the morning and it said clouds immediately to the west of where I would be at 5:00pm. At 4pm, there were indeed clouds to the west.

So that was quite accurate!

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Interesting - we had a great sunset here in Boulder just now. HRRR undercooked it (clouds too far west and too little), RAP got it right, NAM showed nothing at all (:roll_eyes:).

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