Open Meteo weather data now included

Some updates for

  • Point Weather: We’ve integrated the Open Meteo API to provide point weather data. The weather code (general conditions) and selected map layer value are automatically updated and displayed for the point under the map reticle
  • Units Controls: you can select the display units for both temperature and distance via new controls in the UI.
  • Now Button: there’s a convenience button to change to the current time located on the chart, just to the left of center (clock icon)
  • Performance Updates: the app now loads fewer map tiles, as we’ve tightened up the layer bounds
  • Bug fixes: numerous bug fixes

Please kick the tires/tyres if you have a moment!

A few more updates:

  • Arpege Europe is back: the hosting for these model files changed and it took a while for us to reconfigure to use it
  • HRRR now includes Wind Speed and Wind Gust Differential
  • Open Meteo point data now shows wind speed and direction when wind speed layer is selected
  • Where there’s no direct equivalent to one of the Photo WX forecast layers in Open Meteo, we now show an alternative relevant data metric (e.g. with HRRR Smoke selected, we show Visibility from Open Meteo)
  • Various performance improvements and caching fixes, which should improve site load time and reduce occasional forecast map tile loading error
  • Button top right will now take you back to the Photo Ephemeris Web app, if that’s how you navigated to Photo WX