TopOpenPlus map currently down

The TopOpenPlus map - the black and white style with German text - is currently down:

The future status is a little unclear - I can’t find any mention of it being discontinued, but also I can’t find it listed on the BKG site.

I likely won’t be able to get it resolved this week (due to some medical appointments), but if it doesn’t return, I’ll look at replacing it with a black and white style applied to one of the existing Thunderforest maps instead.

Thanks for your patience - if you’ve been using TPE or similar tools for a while, you’ll know that nothing lasts for ever, particularly map styles!


PS. we track up/downtime of most of our external data providers on our status page

Looks like it came back this morning. No weekend operational support at the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie, it seems…