Webinar: Sat Feb 8, 10:30am Mountain

I’ll be running an Introduction to Photo WX webinar this coming Saturday morning - free to register and attend. We’d love to see you there!

In the meantime, just added: a bunch of additional weather layers for the GFS model - this is the wind gust forecast globally:

I am glad you are doing this. I have played with it a few times and just don’t seem to be very good at it. User errors for sure

Hi Stephen,

I will be traveling during the Photo WX webinar. Will this be made available for post-webinar replay? If so, do I need to sign up for the live event? I’m interested in learning how to use this new tool!

Thank you.


What issues are you seeing Rick? Early reports of problems are always welcome :wink:

Hi Roger - yes, we’ll be recording it and assuming no technical disaster, will post it online. If you register anyway you’ll get an email with the recording link.

Tough to quantize. Just not clicking for me. I’m sure it’s me. Let me watch the zoom training and if I still don’t get it, I’ll take notes. Thanks!!

Ok - hope I can turn it around for you…

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Thank you, Stephen.

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Thanks to everyone who has registered - we have a big crowd signed up. Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at the webinar!

Found it

Very good webinar. It would be nice for color blind people that when the mouse hovers over a color on the map that color in the legend is highlighted.

I got it now!! Great job explaining and putting this together! I love it

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BTW, where is the “Donate” button. I want to help beef up bandwidth and compute power!

Interesting suggestion - I can see how useful that would be. I suspect it might be rather complicated to implement, but I’ll give it some thought!

Hi Rick - thank you :slight_smile: - we’ll be looking at capacity pronto and I hope to have it in place quickly. In the meantime, your support as a subscriber is hugely helpful, as is spreading the word about TPE (although maybe give me a few more days on the weather server side of things!!). Appreciate it!

Could you please post a link to the webinar? I missed the signup and therefore can’t get a link that way. Thanks!

Hi - I’ll post a link to the video here as soon as it’s ready!

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Quick update on the weather site tile loading issues: we’re continuing to work on this today. It’s looking like the issue was not directly capacity related but rather due to file system errors on the tile servers that we hypothesize were caused by early termination of a cache sync process, leaving some bad file handles on disc. Hope to have more to report later on today or tomorrow - thanks for your patience.