Welcoming our top users!

It’s time to start expanding our membership here on the forum. I’m going to begin by inviting some of our top users to join. These are the folks who’ve been using Photo Ephemeris Web most often so far in 2024 - it should be great to have such an enthusiastic group here in the forum!

If you’re a new joiner, please say hello once you’re signed up! We’re glad to have you here.

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Hello, here is Pekka from Helsinki, Finland


Hi @pekkasaastamoinen4 - welcome aboard!

Where are you based in Finland? I haven’t been there for a number of years - I worked on a performing arts school installation in Helsinki and visited a few times, mostly during winter though, so it was dark and chilly, but great to visit!

@alison has been to Savonlinna in the summer (working on the opera festival) - she fondly recalls the military grade mosquitos!

I live in Helsinki. Winter is the worst season here, I miss the sun.
Savonlinna is one of mine favourite place, specially in the summer time excluding opera festival period. Hotels and restaurants mark up prices.

Hello Pekka,
greetings to Finland! I just returned from a photo trip to the Inari region and it was awesome - but also very cold.

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Hi from Brittany in France, happy to join the forum.

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Hi Kev here joining from Glastonbury, England

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Welcome @michael-lauer, @karnmoel , @kev - great to have you all here. We have some great places represented already!

Please do post photos or links to your portfolios too - would love to see your work.

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Hi everybody, I am Cyril frenchman based in Slovenia. I use TPE here in Slovenia as well as in Austria (where I lived for 6 years) and in my home country France

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Hello and greetings from Zurich, Switzerland. Was very surprised when I read the email and it said “most active users”. Well I guess I clearly spend way too much time planning my photo trips :smiley:


Welcome to @Beneathpalemoonlight and @MWong - great to see our European representation coming on so well! Looking forward to having as part of the community!

Hello all, I’m a long-time user of TPE, both on the web and the iPhone. I’m a retired graphic designer from Cambridgeshire, UK. You can check out some of the photos I take (often aided by TPE) at https://www.instagram.com/sharpeimagesuk/


Hi, Nigel Wells from Cheshire, England

Hi. Dan Polec joining form Cheshire, England.

Hi All, Derek Griffin here from Sevenoaks, England. Glad to be part of this!

Welcome Cheshire and Kent! Great to have you all here.

Hello everyone, I’m Reid from California, U.S.A…

Good evening from Roodepoort, west of Johannesburg in South Africa! Been invited to this forum so can not comment! However busy getting my Land Rover Defender ready for a solo trip from the bottom south to the top north of Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana.

Hi - I am Bob from Gloucester, MA, b y the ocean.

A warm welcome to @rhaataja @Fokusafari and @boballia! Great to have you hear.

A request for new members: we’d love to see some of your work posted here on the forum! And if you have any examples of how you’re using Photo Ephemeris in your planning, please share those too :+1: